Sun Printing and Textiles
Sun Printing or Cyanotype is the alternative Photography technique of capturing natural objects and transferring them onto paper and textiles.
Bridget harnesses the Sunlight with the Cyanotype Chemicals to capture the Natural , Botanical plants and feathers found on her walks, or in her garden to create exquisite images. These are then transformed into beautiful and useful functional items such as handmade books , bespoke Lampshades and Cushions as well as Cards and Prints
Cyanotype Workshops and Lampshade Workshops are now available. You make your own bespoke sun printed material and hand build it into your own designer Cyanotype lampshade.
Please do book online or contact me directly for Cyanotype workshops ,other dates or to organise a bespoke Workshop.

Did you see us in the February edition of Landscape?
Don't worry, here is the article